Cloud-based IIoT data collection, monitoring and analytics software

Power your industrial applications and systems with Industry 4.0 analytics, monitoring and AI-powered automation to optimize operations, enable outage prevention, predictive maintenance, and proactive diagnostics.

Voltaricโ€™s premiere cloud-based IIoT analytics software for integrated Industry 4.0 and energy systems.

VFI’s robust yet easy to use web-based application is the gateway to an advanced analytics platform using proprietary AI to deliver unparalleled vision into system performance and health without specialized staff.

VFI exposes actionable insights for operators, managers and engineers to drive efficiencies, accelerate problem resolutions and empower product design & development.

Diagnostics & Insights

Empower engineering investigations into performance and usage. Discover what systems are used and plan improvements with real client usage data. Automated system state analysis before, during and after abnormal activity quickly isolates problem components to improve performance and reduce downtime.

Automation & Predictive Maintenance

Machine learning and AI tracks past events and processes them with historical and current operational data to predict future events. VFI takes automatic action to maintain optimal performance and correct anomalies, saving time and money.

Adaptable & Scalable

VFI accepts data from any sensor-enabled device or system at various intervals and precision levels. Interface with PLC devices and systems using our intake adapters. Our robust architecture automatically scales to handle dynamic needs with no decrease in performance.

Expect More From Your Infrastructure

Make the absolute most of the sensor infrastructure already in place digging deeper into the data already being collected by daily operations. Voltaric has the analytical tools to expose the efficiencies present in your own data.

Secure, Robust, Efficient

Our secure, powerful and easy to use web-based software surfaces deep insight in a clarity unmatched by our competitors. No software or hardware to install, deploy or maintain. Our specialized technology handles massive increases in volume without disruption.

Contact Us

Get in touch with us today to discover how Voltaric's product and service solutions can help you accelerate and realize your business and operational efficiency goals.

(289) 644-2398


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